A good look in business can make or break the organization, and looking as professional as possible is therefore crucial – the more professional you can come across, the more likely it is that people are going to feel confident buying from you and using your services.
Although there are many ways to ensure your business does look professional at all times, there is one that might not be so obvious, perhaps because it’s not something everyone else is using (meaning that if you do use it, you’ll stand out, which is definitely a bonus!) – we’re talking about saddle stitch booklets. Read on to find out more about how these can help make your business look more professional.
A Clean, Neat Finish
One of the things that makes saddle stitch booklets look so good is that they have a wonderful, clean, neat finish, which makes them different from a lot of other binding techniques. When you look at some booklets, you might notice that the spines are bulky or uneven or even that they’re coming apart, and that’s not something you need to worry about when you’ve chosen the saddle stitch finish.
Saddle stitching makes the binding look incredibly neat because the pages are essentially tied tightly to the spine, and when you turn the pages, you can’t see the join. When you offer that kind of booklet to your customers, they’ll instantly feel that you’re a professional business because you take care of the little things that others might not have thought about or even noticed.
Easy To Read
Another way that a saddle stitch booklet can help to make your business more professional is that they’re easy to read – they lie flat when you open them up, so they can be held comfortably or rested on a table, desk, bed, bench, or wherever else the reader might be. That’s why saddle stitching is often the best choice when you’re making instruction booklets, for example, although it can be used for any kind of booklet – and probably should be.
Although a customer probably won’t stop using your services if a booklet you give them doesn’t lie flat or isn’t so easy to hold, if you give them one that does and is, they’re going to have a good impression of you, and they’ll know you’re thinking of them, which is something professional businesses always do.
Costs Less
Saddle stitch booklets might not be the cheapest option. Still, they do cost less than some other binding techniques, and although spending less money isn’t necessarily something that will make your business instantly more professional, if you use the money you saved to offer better customer service, give your customers good offers, perhaps improve your website, and so on, you can increase the positive reputation of your business while saving money – it’s a win-win situation.
On top of that, saddle stitch booklets can be produced quickly, so you won’t ever have to be in a situation where you run out and have nothing to give your customers – not planning ahead or not having enough stock always looks unprofessional, so avoiding that is crucial.