Adding an e-signature on your PDF files has become so much easier nowadays. Thanks to various smart software such as Soda PDF. E-signatures are easy and quick. Additionally, they offer security to your PDF files. With soda PDF online, you can add a signature easily, quickly and for free. The following are steps for adding e-signature on your PDF files.
1. Select the File You Want to Sign
Get the file you want to add electronic signature online. Fetch the PDF file from cloud storage, browse from your computer or you can drag and drop the file.
2. Have the Signing Details Ready
Have all the signers’ details ready. These details are the full name and the e-mail address of the person adding the signature. Create the fields on the PDF files, indicating to the signer where they should sign the document.
3. Send an E-mail
Send the signer an email of the document requesting them to sign it. The document is sent in a link form for security and confidentiality. The signer is supposed to open the document to sign it.
4. Download the Files
Once every signer has placed their e-sign on the document, you can download the fully signed document.
Electronic signatures are legally binding and safe. This is because the signing tool utilizes mathematical algorithms to make unique signatures. The benefits of using sodapdf esign are:
It is Reliable– you can access your files on the Soda PDF inbox. It is also easy to know which files have been signed and the person who has signed them. Additionally, Soda PDF allows you to track all your documents for signing.
Secure- All your files are stored in an encrypted format to keep them safe and secure. This means e-signs are hard to forge and only authorized people can access and make changes to the document. Documents with e-signatures are as effective and internationally recognized just like documents with handwritten signatures.
Legally Binding– E-signatures are recognized internationally. This helps facilitate e-commerce. This way you can conduct your business from anywhere in the world. International laws have been put in place to prove the validity and the legality of the use of e-signatures.
Audit Trials- Soda PDF offers comprehensive evidence for all online transactions. This way you can easily identify the authenticity of the e-signatures and other online transactions.
Authorizations- To access and add signature to the PDF files, you need permissions. This permission differs according to the user. For instance, the sender of the file have the administrative permission and access of the files. Therefore, as a sender, you can edit, evaluate and track the progress of the files. The only permission the signers have is to only sign in their field.
Authentication-Soda PDF uses both the senders and the signer’s email addresses to verify the e-signs. Ou can only access and sign the files through personal email addresses. This ensures security and only authorized parties can view or make changes to the documents.